Formal Resolution (Hearing)

If a case is not resolved through an Informal or Facilitated Resolution, the case will be resolved through a Formal Resolution (Hearing).

End of Semester Notice: In cases where the Academic Misconduct adjudication process is not complete by the time course grades are due, the Faculty Member must assign the student an Incomplete in the course. The course grade will be updated once the case has been resolved.

To refer an alleged violation of academic misconduct to a hearing, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Contact Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution

  • Email in order to determine what resolution options are available. Please be sure to use your UNC Charlotte email account and include the student’s first and last name, and University ID number

Step 2: Assign the Student an Incomplete

  • This will ensure a grade for the course is not issued while there is a pending academic integrity case. If the grading system is not open yet, inform the student that a grade for the course will be issued when the academic integrity process has concluded.
  • If a student withdraws after you have informed them of the pending violation, the academic misconduct process may still continue. If this occurs, please contact Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution to discuss this with our staff.

Step 3: Check University Email

  • Scheduling requests, hearing confirmations, and other information regarding the hearing process will be sent to your University email.

Step 4: Attend the Hearing

  • Both sides will have an opportunity to share their information regarding the alleged violation.
    • Please note the hearing will continue regardless of student or instructor participation. If you cannot attend the hearing due to an emergency, please contact Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution as soon as possible.
  • The hearing panel will make a determination on the charge(s) by a preponderance of the evidence, which is more likely than not standard.
  • If the student is found responsible for a violation of the Code, the hearing panel will assign appropriate educational outcomes.

Step 5: Check University Email

  • At the end of the hearing, the panel will announce their decision on the charge(s) and if applicable, the outcome(s). Check your University email for information about these findings.
    • Do not assign the student a final grade until you have received an email from Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution stating the outcome of the case.